Wound is defined as loss and breaking of anatomic and cellular of living tissue. Wound healing process is a biological process instigated by trauma and causes scar formation. Terminalia arjuna is a deciduous tree of the Combretaceae family served as native Ayurvedic medicine in India. The aim of the study is to evaluate the wound healing activity in animal model and also to study the pharmacological action of Terminalia arjuna extract compared to standard drug in wound healing activity. Plant material was prepared into preparation of 50% ethanolic extract. An excision wound made on the depilated back of the rat. Epithelialization period was noted as the number of days after wounding required for the eschar to fall off leaving no raw wound behind. Wound contraction rate was monitored by planimetric measurement of the wound area on alternate days for 21 days. These sections of tissue collected were stained with Van Gieson. After staining, the sections were observed under light microscope for histopathological changes. The significant (P < 0.001) shows decrease in wound size on day 21 compared to day 0 for standard drug, Dexamethasone and Terminalia arjuna cheap trx  400mg treated rat confirmed the good wound healing activity of Terminalia arjuna in the group of rats. From the results attained in present investigation, it is feasible to conclude that the tree bark extract of Terminalia arjuna which contains active constituent, tannin has significant wound healing activity at the doses tested.

Key words: Terminalia arjuna, Dexamethasone, Wound contraction, Wound healing, Histopathological study.

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