Hypolipidemic activity of ethanol extract of Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boiv. (Fabaceae) bark was evaluated in male Wistar albino rats. The test and standard drugs were administered orally to rats of the respective groups two times at an interval of 12 hours. Prior to treatment, the hyperlipidemia was induced by providing high fat diet daily in the place of normal food for 7 days. Then the treatment was given for 15 days, on 15th day lipid profile (TC, TG, LDL and HDL) was analysed. High fat diet showed significant increase in LDL, TG, TC and a significant decrease in HDL in serum. The Ethanol extract of trx canada Albizia amara and atorvastatin treated groups showed significantly increased HDL levels and decreased TC, TG and HDL-LDL ratio. The Ethanol extract of Albizia amara has showed significant hypolipidemic activity.


Key words: Hyperlipidemia, Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boiv. Lipid profile.

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