The investigation was carried out to determine the possible chemical components of Prosopis spicigera L. The GC-MS analysis of methanolic extract of P.spicigera was performed using a GC–MS equipment Thermo GC-TRACE ultra ver., 5.0, Thermo MS DSQ II. Experimental conditions of GC-MS system were as follows: TR 5-MS capillary standard non-polar column, dimension: 30Mts, ID: 0.25 mm, Film: 0.25µm was used and flow rate of mobile phase (carrier gas: He) was set at 1.0 ml/min. Crude samples which dissolved in methanol were run fully at a range of 50-650 m/z and the results were compared by using Wiley Spectral library search programme. Whole plant using GC-MS analysis of Methanolic extract which led to identification of 31 compounds viz. Octacosyl pentafluoropropionate (25.46%), Myo-Inositol, 2-C-methyl- (20.98%), Methane, dichloronitro-(19.41%),17-Pentatriacontene (6.93%), Rhodoxanthin(3.16%) etc. Not much information available on phytochemcial components of P.spicigera. This is the first attempt to investigate the GC-MS analysis of methanol extract of this plant.


Key words: P.spicigera, GC-MS Analysis, Methanolic extract.

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